Tuesday 29 March 2011

Final Sketch up Design

I know this is slightly late but I had a bit of trouble getting this done but its complete now

Materials used:

Condensed- Used for the solid structure which supports the "Below" part of the structure, providing strong support for the structures above

Traslucent- Used for the glass in the bottom half of the structure, this provides a view from the outside but as it is underground there is only the Earth to be seen outside and hence why a translucent material is preferred over transparent here.

Transparent- Transparent materials are used in the complete "Above" section of the building. This allows light to be filtered through the structure creating different lighting effects wherever a person maybe. This structure is also solid enough for people to walk on, as well as a structure for walls and ceilings.

Final Model Shots: 
Complete view of the final design in Front View
Complete top section of the design in Front View
Bottom Section of the design in Front View
Complete view of the design in Rear view

Complete view of the design Left View

Complete view of the design in Right View

Sunday 27 March 2011

Sketch Up Animations

Animation 1

Animation 2

Animation 3

Second Draft Sketchup Model

For my second draft Sketchup model I used the above image of Fluidly and Ruthless.

Top section

Bottom Section
Section of the top view showing both ramps and stairs being used

Image of the bottom section of the stairs being used

Image of the bottom section and the ramp being used

First Draft SketchUp Model

For my first draft of a Sketchup Model I chose Dreaming and Armed Force 
The image above shows a full view of my 3D structure

This is a view from the bottom section exterior looking towards the centre interior

This is an image of the centre interior    
Exterior of the Bottom View

Top of the Above section

Shows the lower parts of the Above section where one staircase is located

Spiral staircase running up the centre of both the bottom and top section of the building