Thursday 16 June 2011

Student Evaluations

My two student evaluations

Links to the Sketch-Up Models

Bridge including Lady Gaga Elevator:
Lady Gaga Office:
Oprah Office:
Meeting Place:
Oprah Elevator:

Shots of Finished Crysis Environment

View from the back of the Valley overlooking the bridge

View from the bridge of Lady Gaga's Office

View from in front of Oprah's Office

View from Oprah's Elevator towards her end of the bridge and office

View of the meeting area

View from the meeting area towards the waterfall

View of elevators over the meeting area

View from meeting area of the two elevators arriving

View towards Oprah's office among the trees of the Valley

View towards Lady Gaga's office among the trees of the Valley

Keys for Elevators

All processes are in order of how the elevators are supposed to flow

Lady Gaga Elevator
Open roof initially: k
Close roof initially: l
Move up first: n
Move horizontally: v
Move down to meeting place: b
Open on island: j

Oprah Elevator
Move vertically up: h
Move horizontally: y
Move down to meeting place: p

Links for Maps and Objects



Wednesday 15 June 2011


Lady Gaga Quotes
"Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it" "You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way"

Oprah Quotes
"As you become more clear about who you really are, you'll be better able to decide what is best for you - the first time around"
"Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment"

Jonathan Ive Quotes
"One of the hallmarks of the team is this sense of looking to be wrong. It's the inquisitiveness, and sense of exploration. It's about being excited to be wrong, because then you've discovered something new."
"We try to solve very complicated problems without letting people know how complicated the problem was. That's the appropriate thing."

Power is an individual trait, one that belongs to you. People have a right to "have their own opinion" and to be "unique, and differnt and shine in your own way", and this individuality provides the power a person needs in life. "As you become more clear about who you really are" you will find it much easier to be a stornger and more powerful person. Even if we discover something wrong in life "you've discovered something new", that helps you become a better person and knowing whats wrong "puts you in the best place for the next moment". As a human seeking the best out of life "we try to solve very complicated problems without letting people know how complicated the problem was", this in turn negatively impacts upon an individual, and if people knew what others were facing in life, couldnt we all, as individuals and society be more powerful?

Draft Shots of Environment

View of the meeting area for Oprah and Lady Gaga

View down over the meeting island showing the river

View from above the island on one side of the valley

View of the valley where the bridge and offices are located

18 Perspectives

36 Custom Textures

Sunday 1 May 2011

Assessment Two Crysis File Links

Crysis Levels Location:

Crysis Objects Location:

Final Model in SketchUp Link

Link to my final model with textures:

Assessment Two Basic SketchUp Model in Crysis

Views of my basic axonometric structure created in SketchUp and then exported into Crysis. For this particular structure, I placed it alongside a body of water surrounded by luscious vegetation. This provides the perfect escape for any individual wishing to get away from society. 

View 1: View from the East looking up towards the building as the sun peaks through in the early hours of the morning

View 2: View from the South from within the vegetation looking out towards the ocean 

View 3: View from the North looking at the structure situated amongst the dense vegetation

View 4: View from the East looking through the vegetation showing how the shadows and light reflect off the surface of the structure

Assessment Two 36 Textures

For my selection of textures showing light, medium and dark I have chosen to do six different textures and then individually use these six to form different patterns of this nature. Each texture represents a different perception of how elements flow from light through to dark.

Assessment Two Combined Axonometrics

Below, as shown in the images are the combined axonometrics, these were formed by two of the basic axonometrics shown in my previous post. Each combined structure had to contain ten additions and/or subtractions to create a structure suitable for two of the clients to live and work in. For these I tried to creatively position the structures so that they suited the individual and blend them together so they became one.

"A myriad of materials creates a more dynamic structure when every light has an equal and opposite darkness"

"When materials depend on each other and collaborate, they solve the problem of creating space"

"When simple elements come together to form a complicated element, the perception of this structure changes over time"

Assessment Two 6 Basic Axonometrics

Below are my six basic axonometrics I have chosen. Each contains 5 different additions or subtractions of blocks which was our given number to work with. Each individual structure contains two different views; one from the front and one from the rear as stated in each caption. All structures created relate in some way to the hypotheses that were originally thought out in class.  

Front and Rear View accordingly of "For every light their is an equal and opposite darkness"

Front View of "The best approach to solve a problem is through collaboration"

Rear View of "The best approach to solve a problem is through collaboration"

Front View of "Perception of a structure changes over time"

Rear View of "Perception of a structure changes over time"

Front View of "Materials depend on each other to create space"

Rear view of "Materials depend on each other to create space"

Front and Rear View accordingly of "A myriad of materials creates a more dynamic structure"

Front View of "Complicated elements start with simple elements"

Rear View of "Complicated elements start with simple elements"