Sunday 1 May 2011

Assessment Two 6 Basic Axonometrics

Below are my six basic axonometrics I have chosen. Each contains 5 different additions or subtractions of blocks which was our given number to work with. Each individual structure contains two different views; one from the front and one from the rear as stated in each caption. All structures created relate in some way to the hypotheses that were originally thought out in class.  

Front and Rear View accordingly of "For every light their is an equal and opposite darkness"

Front View of "The best approach to solve a problem is through collaboration"

Rear View of "The best approach to solve a problem is through collaboration"

Front View of "Perception of a structure changes over time"

Rear View of "Perception of a structure changes over time"

Front View of "Materials depend on each other to create space"

Rear view of "Materials depend on each other to create space"

Front and Rear View accordingly of "A myriad of materials creates a more dynamic structure"

Front View of "Complicated elements start with simple elements"

Rear View of "Complicated elements start with simple elements"

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